Palazzo Castiglioni has been and still is the Residence of the Marquises Castiglioni. The Palace was purchased in 1599 by Bernardo Castiglioni, exiled from Milan, he firstly inhabited a part of the mansion, eventually the palace wasenlarged by his successors. Bernardo was the first of the Marche branch of the family. Before his arrival in Cingoli there was an intense correspondence between Saint Charles Borromeo and the Prior of the Franciscans to facilitate Bernardo’s settling in this new town. In the following centuries, the family increased its power and prestige, actively participating in the ecclesiastic and municipality life.To accommodate these social needs the Palace was extensively enlarged.The most important members of the Family are Urban II of the Burgundy branch (1093), Celestino IV (1241), Baldassarre Castiglione (1478 - 1529) and finally Francesco Saverio Castiglioni who, as Pope, took the name Pius the VIII in memory of Pius V, ancestor of his mother.

Celestino IV - Goffredo Castiglioni- son of a sister ofUrbano III, was nominated Pope on October 25th 1241, after the death of Gregorio IX. He reigned only 17 days.

Baldassarre Castiglione (1478-1529). Author. His most renowned work is "The Courtier "- a manual of manners and etiquette, written as a dialog between gentlemen, printed on 1528 by Aldo Manuzio.

Francesco Saverio Castiglioni (Cingoli 1761 - Rome 1830) Pope Pius VIII. He became priest in 1785 and eventually was made Bishop of Montalto in 1800. He refused to swear fidelity and allegiance to Napoleon, for which he was convicted to jail in 1808. Nominated Cardinal in 1816 he was elected Pope in 1829. His pontificate, even if very short, was remarkably important.